Evidence Proven far-infrared ray effect
Increased blood circulation contributes to optimal health.
DAZZTEX™ raises the body's temperature from the inside out, creating an optimal temperature for sleep.
It also promotes the secretion of hormonal substances such as melatonin and serotonin,
bringing sleep closer to "quality sleep.
DAZZTEX™ has been tested by a variety of third-party laboratories and its safety is well established.

Did you know?
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far-infrared experiments have proven that it promotes wound healing in rats.
ToyokawaH, Matsui Y, UharaJ, Tsuchiya H, TeshimaS, Nakanishi H, Kwon AH, Azuma Y, NagaokaT, Ogawa T, KamiyamaY. Promotive effects of far-infrared ray on full-thickness skinwound healing in rats. Exp Biol Med(Maywood). 2003; 228(6):724–9.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far infrared rays can improve microcirculation and increase body temperature by 3-4°C. WARM BATH EFFECT shortens time to fall asleep and increases slow wave sleep (SWS)
Toyokawa H, Matsui Y, Uhara J, Tsuchiya H, Teshima S, Nakanishi H, Kwon AH, Azuma Y, Nagaoka T, Ogawa T, Kamiyama Y. Promotive effects of far-infrared ray on full-thickness skin wound healing in rats. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2003; 228(6):724–9.
Jordan, J., Montgomery, I. and Trinder, J. The effect of afternoon body heating on body temperature and slow wave sleep. Psychophysiology, 1990, 27: 560-566.
Dorsey CM, Lukas SE, Teicher MH, Harper D, Winkelman JW, Cunningham SL, et al. Effects of passive body heating on the sleep of older female insomniacs. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neurology. 1996;9:83–90.
Baglioni C, Nanovska S, Regen W, Spiegelhalder K, Feige B, Nissen C, Reynolds CF, Riemann D. Sleep and mental disorders: A meta-analysis of polysomnographic research. Psychol Bull. 2016 Sep;142(9):969-990. doi: 10.1037/bul0000053. Epub 2016 Jul 14. PMID: 27416139; PMCID: PMC5110386.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far infrared saunas (saunas) show remarkable effectiveness in the treatment of heart failure and peripheral arterial disease
Kihara T, Miyata M, Fukudome T, Ikeda Y, Shinsato T, Kubozono T, Fujita S, Kuwahata S, Hamasaki S, Torii H, Lee S, Toda H, Tei C. Waon therapy improves the prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure. J Cardiol. 2009; 53(2):214–8.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Increases survival of macrophages under H2O2 stress. Far infrared radiation can prevent cytotoxicity caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Leung TK, Lin YS, Lee CM, Chen YC, Shang HF, Hsiao SY, Chang HT, Chao JS. Direct and indirect effects of ceramic far infrared radiation on the hydrogen peroxide-scavenging capacity and on murine macrophages under oxidative stress. J Med Biol Eng. 2011; 31(5):345–51.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far infrared saunas (saunas) relieve pain, stiffness, and fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Oosterveld FG, Rasker JJ, Floors M, Landkroon R, van Rennes B, Zwijnenberg J, van de Laar MA, Koel GJ. Infrared sauna in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. A pilot study showing good tolerance, short-term improvement of pain and stiffness, and a trend towards long-term beneficial effects. Clin Rheumatol. 2009; 28(1):29–34.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Delays skeletal muscle fatigue time in amphibians. Increases intracellular NO (vasorelaxant factor) and calmodulin
Leung TK, Lee CM, Tsai SY, Chen YC, Chao JS. A pilot study of ceramic powder far-infrared ray irradiation (cFIR) on physiology: observation of cell cultures and amphibian skeletal muscle. Chin J Physiol. 2011; 54(4):247–54.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far-infrared fiber effectively inhibits Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (99.9%)
Chung, J., Lee, S. Development of nanofibrous membranes with far-infrared radiation and their antimicrobial properties. Fibers Polym 15, 1153–1159 (2014).
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Delays skeletal muscle fatigue time in amphibians. Increases intracellular NO (vasorelaxant factor) and calmodulin. In addition, experiments with Brazilian soccer players wearing far-infrared processed fiber proved that it effectively restores muscle fatigue after high-intensity training.
Leung TK, Lee CM, Tsai SY, Chen YC, Chao JS. A pilot study of ceramic powder far-infrared ray irradiation (cFIR) on physiology: observation of cell cultures and amphibian skeletal muscle. Chin J Physiol. 2011; 54(4):247–54.
Loturco I, Abad C, Nakamura FY, Ramos SP, Kobal R, Gil S, Pereira LA, Burini F, Roschel H, Ugrinowitsch C, Tricoli V. Effects of far infrared rays emitting clothing on recovery after an intense plyometric exercise bout applied to elite soccer players: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Biol Sport. 2016 Sep;33(3):277-83. doi: 10.5604/20831862.1208479. Epub 2016 Jul 2. PMID: 27601783; PMCID: PMC4993144.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far-infrared radiation warms the uterus and effectively reduces menstrual discomfort.
Liau BY, Leung TK, Ou MC, Ho CK, Yang A, Lin YS. Inhibitory effects of far-infrared rayemitting belts on primary dysmenorrhea. Int J Photoener.
Expected far-infrared ray effects
Acceleration of wound repair | Prevention of aging through sound sleep |
Improves cardiovascular disease | Improves cellular antioxidant capacity |
Pain relief | Promotes capillary circulation |
Bacteriostatic | Antifatigue, fatigue relief |
Relieves menstrual pain | Anti-inflammatory |
Far infrared radiation was able to suppress inflammation in experiments simulating rheumatoid arthritis in rabbits injected with endotoxin (LPS)
Leung TK, Chen CH, Lai CH, Lee CM, Chen CC, Yang JC, Chen KC, Chao JS. Bone and joint protection ability of ceramic material with biological effects. Chin J Physiol. 2012; 55(1):47–54.